Sunday, January 8, 2012
How to Convert From Acreage to Square Feet
Originally, an acre was simply the amount of land one man could plow in a day with one ox. Modern-day machinery has made that definition obsolete, and governments have standardized the size. In land surveying, lot and parcel sizes typically are described in terms of acres. For smaller residential lots, it might be more beneficial to measure in terms of square feet instead, which can be determined by a simple calculation.
1. Determine the number of acres you need to convert into square feet.
2. Convert into decimal form the amount of acres you want to convert to square feet using the calculator or pencil and paper. For example, if you need to convert 2 1/2 acres into square feet, convert it to 2.5 acres.
3. Multiply the number of square feet in 1 acre, which is 43,560 square feet, by the acreage in decimal form to determine your acreage in square feet.
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